Male Infertility: Causes, Tests, and Treatment

When a couple fails to conceive despite several attempts over one year, it is highly likely that they may have infertility problems. Infertility is often considered as women’s problem, which is, however, not true. Men can be infertile too. In this situation, they both need to see a doctor in order to confirm whether the problem lies at the maternal side or paternal side.

The write-up covers information on male infertility treatment, causes, and tests.

Causes of male infertility

  • Abnormal sperm production or poor quality of sperms due to undescended testicles, medical conditions like diabetes, or infections like gonorrhoea, mumps, chlamydia, or HIV
  • Poor delivery of sperms due to blockage in the testicle, premature ejaculation, or damage/injury to the reproductive organs
  • Varicoceles, bulging of the veins that drain the testicle
  • Antibodies attacking sperms
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Chromosome defects
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Celiac disease
  • Certain medications including antifungal medications, cancer medications, long-term anabolic steroid use, and others
  • Certain environmental factors like exposure to harmful chemicals, heavy metals, radiation, and the like
  • Lifestyle factors like smoking, drinking, stress, depression, and BMI

Male infertility tests

Doctors may recommend the following male fertility tests.

Physical evaluation

In this test, an infertility specialist looks for varicoceles, a major cause of male infertility that affects the quality of sperms. Varicoceles can be corrected through surgery.

Semen examination

In this test, a sample of semen is collected to check the total sperm count, their movement, shape, and other features that are critical for the treatment.

Anti-sperm antibodies testing

This test reveals if there are any anti-sperm antibodies present in the body. These antibodies attach the sperms on their way to the egg. Men with antibodies usually have no problem in sperm production and have a normal sperm count.

Hormone testing

Testosterone is an important hormone that controls the production of sperms. This test check for the levels of hormone present in the body.

Genetic Testing

This test reveals if there are any obstacles to fertility or sperm-related issues.

Male infertility treatments

Surgical treatment

To treat varicoceles, the doctor may perform surgery.


For conditions like reproductive tract infection, erectile dysfunction, and hormonal imbalance, the doctor may try to restore fertility through medications.

Assisted reproductive technology (ART)

This male infertility treatment includes ART treatments like IVF and IUI in which sperms are obtained through normal ejaculation, surgical extraction, or from donors, depending on the case and requirements.

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